XMP Poised To Be A “Huge Success”
Kas Thomas, writing on his assertTrue() blog discusses the XMP embedded metadata standard and contends that it is likely to be come ubiquitous and widely adopted due to its inclusion in consumer content generation devices like cell phone cameras. He also cites its adoption as an ISO standard (ISO/DIS 16684-1) as further evidence that XMP will acquire the same momentum as RSS or Atom:
“I think XMP is poised to become a huge success, comparable to, say, Atom or RSS. First of all, the specification itself is short and easily understood (thus easily implemented) — always a Good Thing where XML standards are concerned. It’s also semantically flexible and highly extensible — again two very good things. The fact that it leverages RDF also bodes well for XMP as we trundle ever-closer to the Ontological Web. The social dimensions of an asset, for example, could easily be accommodated by XMP via RDF triples. Let your imagination dwell on that for a minute.” [Read More]
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