Modern Uses For Taxonomies In The Context Of IT Solutions
In their continuing “eTaxonomy” series, Earley associates consider areas where taxonomies (and the information science theory behind them) have been integrated into IT solutions:
- Search
- Document and Records Management
- Content Management
- Digital Asset Management
- Ecommerce
- Marketing Campaign Management
This is taken from their Digital Asset Management entry:
“We are seeing many new tools and techniques that rely on eTaxonomy. For instance, applications that allow for metadata extraction based on speech recognition and speech to text conversion. Once there is a text representation, these applications apply entity extraction algorithms to a particular segment, matching terms to a controlled vocabulary. These terms become the metadata tags for this particular segment. This approach has tremendous application to new sources of user created content leveraging archival video, secondary or stock footage, e-learning content, archives of conference presentations and many other sources of rich media that until now have remained underutilized.” [Read More]
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