Feature Article: What It Takes To Be An Effective DAM Vendor In 2021

In this detailed article titled, Attributes of Effective DAM Vendors in 2021, DAM News editor Ralph Windsor casts a wide net deep into the choppy waters of Digital Asset Management and invites us to take a closer look at the challenges and opportunities faced by vendors as technology trends lean more towards microservices and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
Highlighting issues such as connectivity and scalability, Ralph lifts the lid on the current state of the industry and comments on some of the integration challenges which will have to be met in order to satisfy the myriad upstream and downstream nodes that a modern digital asset supply chain needs to operate on. Ralph also contends that vendors will no longer be able to rely on the Jack-of-all-trades mind-set that has seen previous incarnations of DAM software attempt to keep all of its operations under one roof.
“Modern DAMs cover a huge area of functional scope and vendors who spread themselves across the entire spectrum of functionality are likely to have more dissatisfied customers and an inability to compete with peers who do recognise these limitations. To put this in plainer terms, DAM vendors need to learn from their customers by investing more in integration strategies and application design rather than coding and development.” [Read More]
With his qualified and objective insights into the DAM industry, Ralph presents a number of strategic moves that vendors can make in order to future-proof themselves.
“A small number of vendors have begun to market codeless application builders as part of their platforms. One trend that might begin to emerge is a class of platforms which might be described as DAM construction kits or DAMs to build other DAMs.” [Read More]
More predication than prediction, this impartial and well-written article is a must-read for investors, vendors, managers, developers and users alike who are seeking guidance in preparation for the on-going transformation of the DAM industry.
The full article is available at the link below. It will be available for regular DAM News subscribers to read for two weeks, thereafter it will only be accessible to premium subscribers:
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