Feature Article: How the Right Support Makes for a Successful DAM Project

Consultant and Customer Success Executive at Montala, Mel Francis, has recently contributed a feature article highlighting the importance of getting the right level of support for your DAM initiatives. Tips and insights include nominating a DAM champion or appointing a dedicated consultant, preparing relevant questions for the vendor, performing tests and dry runs of system features, ensuring a comprehensive onboarding process, and using analytics and metrics to gauge your DAM’s performance and identify any potential bottlenecks or pain points.
“Many new DAM users underestimate the value of testing. Pressure to get things up and running can be high especially when budgets are tight, but taking the time to work with your account manager and test out new configurations will save time (and unexpected results!) later. Whether it’s bulk uploading, metadata edits, user permissions or advanced workflows, a dry run not only helps iron out any creases in the design but is also useful training: if your main users are already familiar with how a process works, they’ll be able to pass that knowledge along to other users, spot any problems, or identify aspects of the setup that might be improved over time.” [Read More]
You can read the full article at the link below:
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