Feature Article: DAM & PIM is Just the End of the Beginning

Jake Athey and Nathan Holmes of DAM software provider Acquia (formerly Widen) have contributed a joint article for our series on DAM and PIM. In ‘DAM & PIM Integration is Just the End of the Beginning‘, the authors bring our attention to the European Union’s new Digital Product Passport (DPP) proposal – a set of regulatory tools under the broader Digital Europe Programme that are intended to provide supply chain information about a product’s environmental sustainability. The article explores what the DPP, due to be implemented in 2026, will mean for PIM and DAM integrations, and how product information will need to adopt standards that are both flexible and readable, yet robust enough to be immune against data manipulation and fraud. An engaging read for anyone involved in DAM, PIM or digital asset supply chains.
“Like content in DAM, product information will become something we co-create with partners rather than a set of data brands define and then guard against change. Just as decentralized user-generated content introduced new opportunities and challenges—from the influencer and creator economies to rampant disinformation and content doctoring—decentralized product information will likewise change our industry. We have two years to prepare.” [Read More]
You can read the full article at the link below.
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