Digital Asset Specialist
Simantel |
Peoria, IL, USA |
Digital Asset Specialist is a fundamental role in the Motion Media Department and is key to its overall success. Digital Asset Specialists should have immaculate attention to detail skills with the ability to prioritize tasks, organize assets, and implement processes at the enterprise-level.
This is a local position which requires you to be in the Peoria, IL office Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday with the option to work from home Monday and Friday.
As the Digital Asset Specialist, my objective is:
To organize, store, and retrieve rich media including photos, videos, and other multimedia content through the digital asset lifecycle. I’m also process-oriented and data-driven with the ability to manage technology and interactions within digital frameworks.
The outcomes I need to produce for clients are:
This is a local position which requires you to be in the Peoria, IL office Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday with the option to work from home Monday and Friday.
As the Digital Asset Specialist, my objective is:
To organize, store, and retrieve rich media including photos, videos, and other multimedia content through the digital asset lifecycle. I’m also process-oriented and data-driven with the ability to manage technology and interactions within digital frameworks.
The outcomes I need to produce for clients are:
- Providing clients easy and timely access to their digital assets as needed
- Promotion and optimization of client digital assets
- Streamline content through share portals
- Extend value of digital assets
- Providing agency teammates easy and timely access to digital assets as needed
- Manage and expand the DAM by uploading new content and monitoring digital assets through the digital lifecycle
- Apply metadata, create taxonomies, and tag digital assets to support cross-functional projects while meeting expedited timelines of priority requests
- Fulfill footage and image requests as needed by searching and retrieving archived digital assets
- Engage in end-user onboarding, training, and support
- Additional project support
- Acquire, process, and archive stills and footage
- Continuously optimize the DAM so it remains an effective tool
- Regularly review digital assets to ensure metadata and categorization is accurate
- Identify opportunities to support discoverability of digital assets
- Define workflows and policies that support ingestion and storage, metadata and description, and access and use
- Be detail-orientated and organized with the ability to quickly reprioritize tasks to meet demand
- Solve complex problems, operate independently, and demonstrate creativity
- Strive to stay current in skills, knowledge, and metadata standards and best practices
- Serve as day-to-day point person for internal and external DAM user questions and usage guidance
- 4-year college or university degree in Library and Information Science, MSLIS, or equivalent experience in related field or related work experience
- Professional-level experience directly working in a DAM. Two or more years of experience preferred.
- Demonstrated familiarity with taxonomy and metadata standards
- Experience managing digital rights
- Ability to work independently and on projects involving cross-functional team collaboration
- Maintain attention to detail while managing multiple sets of content and adhering to deadlines
- Creation and management of taxonomies and metadata schemas
- Monitor and remove unused digital assets from DAM through system tracking reports
- Job and career development
- Curating a library of ready-to-use multimedia assets easily distributed across the agency
- Progress the DAM toward a self-service platform
- Meeting agency and client deadlines
- Sustain a DAM which serves as a single source of truth
- Develop, test, and document results of processes and workflows
- Maintain an organized archive separate from the DAM
- Growth in agency knowledge
- Increased proficiency at work
- Reliable, key contributor to project’s success