DAM Weekly Round-Up – 12th November 2018

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.

DAM – SaaS, On premise or Hybrid

Jim Jezioranski, President of DAM workflow solutions outfit Otec, has recently published an article that weights up the pros and cons of the three main flavours of DAM deployment: Software as a Service (SaaS), On-Premise, and Hybrid.  With most DAM solutions now ticking all of the expected feature boxes, he turns his attention to deployment decisions that can make or break a system, namely access speed, integration, and regulatory/compliance issues.  It’s a worthwhile read, and in a landscape that’s populated by DAM solutions that are all pretty much the same, choosing a deployment model that best suits your workflow has become a primary consideration.

Using Professional Services Partners For DAM Implementations

My co-contributor Ralph Windsor has posted a feature article examining the different types of relationship that exist between DAM vendors and their service partners.  In addition to explaining their raison d’être, we’re also given an explanation of the subtle differences in their delivery methods, the extent of their responsibility, and why it’s essential to understand these relationships prior to entering into them in order to minimise the risk of disputes over scope and responsibility further down the line.  Ralph dissects three common types of relationship: the Value Added Reseller; the vendor and partner working together as a consortium; and the partner acting as a sub-contractor to the vendor.

The Essential Guide for DAM Admins

DAM vendor Widen have just posted an article that examines the role of the Digital Asset Management administrator.  As the human lynchpin that’s responsible for joining everything together from deployment and maintenance through to protocol, user acceptance, support and training, their scope is a comprehensive and ever-widening one.  The article takes a look at the DAM administrator’s core duties, the required skills and strategies, and how you might go about learning and improving them.  With a handy what-to-do-when checklist grouped into weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual tasks, along with a list of (albeit in-house) reference links, it’s worth checking out if you’re looking to become a DAM admin, source a new member of staff, or need to reassess your own administrative role and skill-set.

How Do You Manage Your DAM?

Another examination of the management of a DAM system comes in the form of a recent CMSWire article from John Horodyski.  Rather than focusing on the software itself, the article takes a closer look at the various roles that human actors play on the DAM stage and the impact of the decisions they make.  Along with numerous maxims and insightful observations, it represents a condensed but comprehensive breakdown of the rudiments of DAM management and why a business-first, technology-last approach is essential.

Taxonomy Boot Camp London, 2018

Heather Hedden, author of  The Accidental Taxonomist, has provided a summary of the recent Taxonomy Boot Camp London (TBCL) event that was held at the end of October.  As both attendee and presenter, Heather gives us a breakdown of the various conference, exhibits, sponsors, keynotes and their speakers.  The TBC London event, now in its third year, is an off-shoot from its parent event in Washington, DC and attracted around 170 attendees from 22 countries.

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