DAM News Round-Up – 9th November 2020

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
What is a Digital Asset Manager?
DAM and Brand Management software provider Brandfolder have recently posted a fairly detailed article investigating the role of a Digital Asset Manager. From a basic description of the numerous duties and responsibilities of a DAM manager through to what to look for when hiring and what they can expect to earn, it’s a useful cheatsheet for those looking to become a DAM Manager or who need to hire the services of one. The article concludes with a list of associated methods and technologies that DAM managers might be expected to use.
Webinar Reminder – How to Hire a DAM Professional
On the subject of hiring DAM personnel, just a quick reminder about the upcoming webinar from DAM News and My DAM Services, which is taking place this Wednesday, 11th November. Join industry experts Frank DeCarlo, Henrik De Gyor and Ralph Windsor as they host this live Q&A session exploring all aspects of finding and hiring DAM professionals. Additional resources will be made available for DAM News subscribers after the event (free registration required).
Rolling out DAM in a large organization: insights from retailer ‘S Group’
In this blog post, Digital Asset Management software vendor WoodWing present a case study by way of a recent Henry Stewart webinar interview with Sandra Sundback, Development Manager at one of Finland’s largest retailers. The practicalities and challenges of implementing an enterprise scale DAM system for 1500 users and over 2 million assets are covered, along with academic insights from Sandra’s thesis on DAM, tips for building a business case, and a full copy of the webinar.
How to Collect, Organize, and Edit Metadata
DAM vendor Widen discuss the basics of metadata collection and management in this recent article. Covering the rudiments of metadata such as what it is, where it is found, and its significance in efficiently organising digital assets, the information also includes tips on findability, which fields are most useful, the importance of standardizing metadata by way of documentation, and tracking user activity in order to optimise your DAM system.
DAM – Scoring Strategic Goals with Metadata
Continuing with the theme of metadata, Digital Image Expert at UEFA, Paul Murphy, discusses the topic of metadata policies and DAM workflows, and how, if not well conceived and implemented, can cause bottlenecks in an environment where the speed and accuracy of content distribution is crucial to success. From a pitchside photographer at a football game uploading into a DAM system through to its final delivery to a public facing broadcast channel, the article gives us a fascinating insight into the journey of real-time, mission-critical digital assets, and how DAM and metadata sit at the very heart of the process.
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