DAM News Round-Up – 9th August 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web.
DAM expert Lisa Grimm discusses the challenges of remote working and the globalisation of Digital Asset Management in a post-COVID landscape. Covering issues such as scalability, language barriers, time zones, governance, and choosing the right team, the article represents an interesting entrée into the difficult and complex issue of managing a global DAM system. Lisa will be presenting more on this topic at the upcoming Festival of DAM 2021, which takes place in September.
Product Information Management
Digital Asset Management software provider Widen provide an introduction to Product Information Management (PIM) in this recent blog post. PIM often integrates with DAM via a dedicated connector, pushing and pulling product information, images and metadata to and from the DAM system. The articles covers definition, operation and the numerous benefits for eCommerce integration, and although the information is aimed at Widen users, it should be relevant to any DAM or eCommerce manager seeking guidance on the subject.
Online Stocks Platform Sells Invisible Watermark Protected Images Priced Over $11,000 per Piece
The hype surrounding non-fungible tokens (NFT) has hit the headlines a number of times in the last year or so, with “original” digital artworks going for eye-watering sums of money. This recent article from Sputnik News explains how online stock photo platform 10props has sold 60 images at auction for an average price of $1000, with two in particular exceeding a combined total of over $23,000. Unlike regular NFTs, the digital images are not authenticated by any type of blockchain technology, but are instead branded by a pixel-level digital watermark upon sale.
Machine Learning Won’t Solve Natural Language Understanding
Machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) expert Walid Saba has written a highly detailed article examining the challenges, flawed logic, and false starts when employing traditional techniques such as ML and data-driven models to understand the myriad complexities of our language. Walid makes the important distinction between NLP and NLU (Natural Language Understanding), and offers some deep and fascinating insights into how we might re-appraise our approach to decoding the subtleties of linguistics.
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