DAM News Round-Up – 4th May 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
Taxonomist and Author Heather Hedden discusses the topic of trends within taxonomy in this recent blog post. As ever, Heather’s insights and knowledge is deep and detailed; the article covers numerous aspects including the growing convergence of taxonomies, thesauri and ontologies; an increasing interest in standards such as ISO 25964, which deals with interoperability of controlled vocabularies; the adoption of SKOS and other industry guidelines; and overall trends in the structural design and sophistication of taxonomies and their uses.
3 Questions You Need To Start Your DAM Governance
DAM services and media management solutions provider CyanGate tackles the issue of DAM governance, or in simple terms, a strategy to assist in defining how your DAM system is managed and operated, and how it will help you reach your goals. By presenting a series of who, what, and how type questions, the article provides a simple launchpad for those yet to implement any governance practice or processes.
Non-fungible tokens and the ever-changing value of digital assets
Bright, the company behind DAM platform Asset Bank, presents an intriguing – if not slightly odd – article that ponders the value of digital assets by way of examining the phenomenon of non-fungible tokens (NFT). These tokens are unique, one-off digital assets which can be traded, often for seemingly ridiculous sums, using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The article takes us on a bizarre journey from blockchain tech and the emergence of the fanaticism and thirst for ‘rare’ digital artefacts such as Pokemon Go, through to the surreal culture surrounding the acquisition of high-end NFTs, and the role of crypto-mining on climate change.
The Benefits and Challenges of DAM Platforms
Digital Asset Management consultants, Stacks, provide a primer in planning a DAM initiative by listing the most common benefits and disadvantages. Advantages listed include centralization, effective search, reducing workflow redundancies, collaboration, and leveraging metrics to improve ROI. Downsides include cost, complexity, and implementation time.
Naming Conventions for Digital Assets
DAM platform provider QBank are offering a free Whitepaper on the topic of file and folder naming conventions within Digital Asset Management, and how consistency in the way your name your digital assets has a noticeable impact on their findability, and contextual and SEO value. A valid email address is required to download the whitepaper.
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