DAM News Round-Up – 4th April 2022

A selection of DAM and marketing technology related articles from around the web.
The Metadata Brainstorm Exercise
Digital Asset Management software vendor Widen present a simple exercise to get your metadata in order. Primarily aimed at the uninitiated, the exercise involves gathering a handful of resources (post-it notes, whiteboard, print-outs of your main assets), and a small group of your key DAM users. Participants are asked to review each asset and identify what each asset is highlighting, what its use is, its most important attribute, and which search terms would you use to find each one. The article concludes with a series of tips, including allocating time for feedback and discussion, and keeping in mind the objectives of the exercise.
Guide To Digital Rights Management (DRM): A 10-Step Checklist
Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions provider FADEL offer a best practice checklist in this recent blog post. From ensuring you have a centralised location for rights information, through to governance, taxonomies, automation, and identifying where checks need to be in-place across third-party systems and supply chain nodes, the article should provide a decent enough starting point for both beginners and those performing an audit of their current DRM systems and processes.
What Are NFTs: Digital Assets or Modern Fad?
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are the latest craze to utilise blockchain technology, and whether or not you’re onboard, the eye-watering sums of money that are being exchanged are testament to the impact they’re having on the digital asset trading market. This fairly detailed and comprehensive article takes a look at what exactly NFTs are, along with the key differences between conventional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and this newer manifestation of tradeable digital assets. Predictions about the potential future of NFTs are also made, including some well-sourced comments and opinion as to their long-term feasibility. The article ultimately concludes that the NFT marketplace is still somewhat volatile and speculative (“should the hype die down, you might be left holding a picture of a monkey that nobody wants to buy“).
Would Your Brand Assets Really Benefit From Brand Asset Management?
The question of whether or not you actually need a Brand Asset Management (DAM) system is discussed in this recent article from DAM vendor Brandworkz (spoiler: their answer is yes). Although the post accurately identifies the advantages of a dedicated brand management platform and the numerous shortcomings of adopting a manual approach, including time wasted locating assets, disparate guidelines, disjointed workflows, and out-of-date brand material, the article reads as little more than a feature-list of their own software and its integrations.
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