DAM News Round-Up – 3rd August 2020

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
Usability and Workflow Optimization in Central Digital Asset Management
Master Data Management (MDM) and omni-channel consultants parsionate have recently announced a strategic partnership with DAM solutions provider Celum. In this interview-based article, Celum’s MD Michael Sahlender and parsionate’s Head of Sales Michael Pohl discuss the challenges of master data management and centralised collaboration. With a number of pertinent questions surrounding the integration of DAM with CRM, PIM and ERP systems, the insights could potentially be of use to anyone looking to future-proof their digital asset supply chain and move to a more holistic approach in managing multi-channel data.
DAM’s Reach Spreads Across the Enterprise
Content expert, Director of Product Marketing at Nuxeo, and author of ‘The Content Pool’ Alan J. Porter has published a short article extolling the virtues of a Digital Asset Management system. With a number of real-world case studies, Alan demonstrates how DAM can be used in a variety of ways, from common scenarios such as brand asset management, to more edge cases such as sports sponsorship programs, rail inspection videos, the digitisation of museum artefacts, and the storage and analysis of images of engine components from aerospace accidents for forensic purposes.
Californian DAM solutions provider Tandem Vault have recently posted an article exploring the value of linked data – the process whereby two or more sets of data can be linked via an arbitrary ‘key’, such as a filename, tag, GPS location or some other common property. With the growing availability of API-first services and an ever-increasing number of data points surrounding any given asset or media file, linked data alleviates the need to cram everything into traditional metadata fields whilst supporting dynamic data that may change on a daily basis, such as employment records or travel schedules.
Get Creatives in Your DAM Business for Incredible Customer Experiences
Product Manager for media powerhouse Adobe Mike Carley waxes lyrical about creatives, content, and collaboration, and how Adobe’s ever-growing suite of popular titles such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign can help to eliminate email-driven workflow bottlenecks when integrated with a DAM system. With numerous examples of how creative teams can collaborate with other departments, the article also introduces Adobe XD – the first tool in their Creative Cloud suite that allows user experience (UX) designers to integrate their own tools and workflow into a wider content creation ecosystem.
A Digital Asset Management Life-cycle: The only constant is change!
Victor Lebon, CEO at marketing technology consultants ICP, delivers his DAM lifecycle presentation at last year’s Henry Stewart DAM Europe conference. With an obvious penchant for Formula One racing, Victor’s ceaseless analogies cover a wide range of Digital Asset Management topics including team-work, planning for change management, integration, brand awareness, and workflow alignment. Whether or not you happen to be a Formula One fan, the impressively choreographed pit-stop at around 7m 30s might possibly form the linchpin for the whole presentation.
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