DAM News Round-Up – 3rd April 2023

A selection of DAM related articles from around the web, sourced by the DAM News editorial team.
Taxonomy and Information Architecture Compared
Author and taxonomist Heather Hedden explores the relationship between information architecture and taxonomies in this recent blog post. Reflecting upon her recent appearance at the Information Architecture Conference in New Orleans, Heather concisely details both the differences and similarities between these two disciplines, covering topics such as organisation, labelling, search, findability, and in which fields each of them is most commonly found.
This recent article from Digital Asset Management software provider Wedia takes a look at the ecological impact of the meteoric rise in digital content, and how a well-managed DAM can help to reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint. So-called ‘digital sobriety’ is becoming an increasingly hot topic, and this post covers numerous tips and insights into improving the efficiency of your content lifecycle. A worthwhile read for anyone interested in developing a responsible and sustainable digital asset supply chain.
Hiring Your DAM Dream Team: Recruiting Everyone You Need For Your DAM Journey
We’ve previously covered the topic of assembling a DAM vendor selection team here on DAM News, and this recent post from DAM vendor Tenovos presents a slightly different overview by describing the numerous roles within the whole DAM team, including both internal and external personnel. From business sponsors, analysts and specialist consultants through to the DAM Manager, vendors and integration partners, the article also outlines the skills and aptitudes required for each cast member.
Why you should use metadata in your ECM
Although I’m not alone in questioning the labelling of Google Drive as an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system, this blog post from content management specialists Smint.io explores the use of metadata within cloud storage services such as Box, Sharepoint and the ubiquitous Google Drive. This concise yet useful article explains how metadata is a crucial component in the efficient management, identification, categorisation and discoverability of your digital content.
AI Policy Group Wants FTC to Investigate OpenAI, Shut Down GPT-4 Innovation
With the latest version of OpenAI’s GPT-4 technology dominating the tech headlines in the last couple of weeks, this article examines the growing concern over the speed at which ever more capable Artificial Intelligence platforms are being released, along with the opposing views of those who are fully in support of the democratisation of AI. Covering recent rulings and advisory statements made by the U.S. Copyright Office, the Federal Trade Commission and numerous other organisations, it’s certainly proving to be a divisive topic.
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