DAM News Round-Up – 31st July 2023

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced by the DAM News editorial team.
Protecting your content in the age of AI
This recent blog post from visual tech specialist Paul Melcher takes a look at the growing threat of generative AI to visual content, and how the explosion in synthetic content can lead to distrust, deception and misinformation. Paul presents a variety of methods, along with their pros and cons, that can be used to protect your visual content and harden it against malicious manipulation. Solutions include industry bodies such as the recently established C2PA and CAI, the use of blockchain to ensure content integrity, watermarking, image matching, and the use of AI itself to detect manipulated images.
Streamlining Efficiency and Organization: Exploring 6 Types of Digital Asset Management Solutions
DAM services partner CyanGate present six different types of Digital Asset Management solution, along with the benefits and advantages of each. The different types covered include on-premise, cloud-based, open-source, enterprise, brand asset management systems (BAM), and hybrid solutions that combine on-premise and cloud.
How the right DAM supports your content management
This article from Digital Asset Management software vendor ResourceSpace explains how companies often forego the use of a DAM system in favour of a CMS (content management system) by not realising their distinct differences and how it shouldn’t be a choice between the two. The post explores how DAM and CMS can work in tandem to facilitate better content templates, provide a greater range of image formats and sizes, enable improved compliance such as rights management and licensing, provide context and avoid content duplication, increase discoverability of image and media files, and allow assets to be shared more easily.
The Price of Being DAM-Less: 6 Surprising Costs You May Be Incurring
DAM platform provider Tenovos take a look at the potential costs that organisations can accumulate by not having a DAM system. Unseen costs include time lost by attempting to find content that’s stored in disparate locations, inefficiencies caused by out-of-date metadata and taxonomies, clunky content creation workflows, and outmoded software stacks. The article also explains how breaching copyright or licensing agreements can also be hugely expensive without sufficient rights management that many DAMs provide, as can legal cases that arise from insufficient (or non-existent) DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) goals – something that a DAM can keep track of via advanced metadata features.
How You Can Manage Your Master Data
This detailed post from DAM solution provider 4AllPortal explores the topic of Master Data Management (MDM). Opening with a basic definition of MDM, the article explains what size and type of business might need an MDM system, and how implementing one can improve the quality, diversity, and control of your data, ultimately saving you money and increasing productivity.
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