DAM News Round-Up – 2nd November 2020

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
The End of The ‘Roy of The Rovers Era’ In The DAM Software Market
DAM News Editor and consultant Ralph Windsor has recently posted a feature article that examines the changing nature of DAM vendors and the management culture that has often seen the principle of the firm being the designer and developer of the original product. The introduction of private investment in the DAM industry is also discussed, as is the growing trend towards API-first implementations and systems that are capable of scaling and coping with a wide range of integrations with third-party software.
What Banksy has Taught Us about the Importance of Rights Management
Digital Asset Management services provider Northplains present a cautionary tale in this recent blog post. Using street artist Banksy’s recent failure to trademark one of his most recognisable works ‘Flower Thrower’ as an example of why Rights Management is so important, the topic of using a DAM system to manage your licensed content, protect your brand and avoid expensive legal costs is also covered.
The Four Stops You Need to Plot on Your DAM Site Audit Roadmap
This in-depth article from DAM software provider Widen explores the topic of evaluating your DAM system in order to identify its current state and the subsequent steps you can take in order to clean it up and improve its overall health. Their suggested routemap contains four key waypoints: analytics, users, aesthetics, and governance. With some insightful and practicable tips, it represents a decent checklist for those tasked with cleaning up their current DAM implementation.
This brief article from DAM solutions provider IntelligenceBank presents their ‘headless DAM’ feature – essentially a method of consuming DAM content via an API without the distraction of a user interface. Content reuse and the avoidance of serving up duplicate files to different downstream endpoints is the key benefit here. A free whitepaper is available for download (registration required).
Continuing with the theme of APIs, DAM software provider Digizuite explore the concept of the ‘API-first’ methodology in marketing technology stacks (martech), and how their own platform is built on such a strategy. By making your API-enabled DAM system the centre of operations, third-party applications such as a CMS (content management system), PIM (product information management), eCommerce and social media platforms can seamlessly connect to and consume your DAM content without the need to understand the technical complexities of each software service in your digital asset supply chain.
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