DAM News Round-Up – 2nd December 2024

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced by the DAM News editorial team.
Image management: How to manage company images in 2025
DAM platform provider Frontify explore the topic of image management, and how taking control of your organisation’s images, whether it’s branding, marketing, personnel or internal, has now become a necessity. This detailed article presents a number of common challenges including disorganisation, inconsistency and lack of accessibility, along with a range of pointers for efficiently managing your images, the numerous methods and platforms available (DAM, Google Drive, Adobe bridge etc.), and a series of best-practice tips, guidelines and standards.
Digital Rights Management (DRM): Protecting and managing your digital assets
As a culture of litigation and aggressive copyright pursuance gains an ever stronger presence in the overcrowded digital realm, Digital Rights Management (DRM) has become an essential part of an organisation’s in-house responsibilities. Gone are the days of copy-pasting an image you’ve found on the web, or “borrowing” a piece of music to accompany a business presentation. This recent post from DAM vendor Fotoware discusses the importance of DRM, its capabilities, benefits, common use-case scenarios, and the type of DRM functionality generally available within DAM systems.
Retail and consumers in a phygital world: How to achieve frictionless retail
The concept of ‘phygital’ – the use of technology to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds – is applied to the retail sector in this recent blog post from French DAM solutions provider Wedia. The article cites some interesting statistics regarding the modern customer experience and consumer expectations, and highlights how the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically reshaped our shopping behaviours, particularly in terms of frictionless models such as online, contactless, and self-checkout. The remainder of the article dives deeper into the very latest retail technologies and trends, along with a list of common challenges with phygital and frictionless retail that DAM can assist with.
DAM vs. Image bank: What’s the best choice for enterprise businesses?
Digital Asset Management platform provider QBank present the differences between an image bank and a DAM system. The post provides a brief overview of each type of software, along with their key fields of use, collaboration features, and potential for scalability and integration with existing business tools. The concept of a single source of truth is referenced, and the article ultimately favours DAM due to its multiple benefits across the entire enterprise.
DAM Governance Has a Branding Problem
Acquia‘s Jake Athey and John George from DAM services provider Aldis draw attention to a persistent problem with the term “governance” within DAM: its perception as a set of arbitrary rules that restrict access to digital assets, often due to poor implementation. However, Jake and John demonstrate that, when done properly, DAM governance can liberate users more than it polices them. The article explains how DAM operates on a library model, whereby only a tiny percentage of information within the DAM is relevant to any given user, and the role of the DAM admin is aligned with that of a curator, responsible for the “soul” of the business. The post continues by breaking down the key roles within DAM (users, contributors, business managers, global admins), and how, working in combination with a set of well-devised user groups, permissions, tags, categories and workflows, can implement a governance framework that is effective enough to deliver relevant assets to the right users, yet transparent enough not to introduce undue restrictions and bottlenecks.
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