DAM News Round-Up – 29th March 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
Tips for Mapping and Gathering your Scattered Assets
Content strategist and consultants Stacks have recently posted a how-to article tackling the issue relating to the decentralised and disparate storage of digital assets. Tips include how to identify your end users to ensure they’re onboard with the DAM, prioritising the most frequently used assets, mapping out existing storage areas and devices, creating a robust strategy to gather and centralise such assets, and finally, taking the time to analyse and audit the collected assets. It’s a great article if your organisation is planning on doing a little spring cleaning or needs to prepare for a migration to a new DAM system.
6 Challenges all Marketing Teams Face when Managing Digital Assets
Digital Asset Management vendor Fotoware highlight a number of common issues encountered by marketing teams when working with digital content. The challenges listed include findability issues due to insufficient file and folder naming conventions, vague copyright or usage consent, inefficient third-party workflow integration (e.g. Photoshop), bottlenecks that slow down or delay campaign launches, and insufficient collaboration functionality. Corresponding solutions are offered in the way of DAM system features.
David Lipsey has just announced an upcoming a free online education event that aims to draw together several hundred DAM professionals spanning numerous disciplines. DAM for Education, part of the wider DAM Industry Week taking place over the course of five days, will include keynotes, sessions, live Q&A, networking opportunities, and vendor exhibits.
Defining Metadata prior to DAM system selection
President of E-Spec Dan Hudson introduces the ‘Tag-It!’ web portal software in his recent LinkedIn article. Tag-It! allows XMP metadata schemas to be captured, defined, embedded and exported for use in Adobe Bridge or DAM systems that support the format. The article provides a basic walk-through of the process, along with links to further videos demonstrating its benefits.
If you’ve ever doubted the value of taxonomy, the sheer ubiquity of its behind-the-scenes role is testament to its importance in information and content management. In a recent blog post, author and taxonomy expert Heather Hedden investigates various different industry scenarios where taxonomies are being used. Splitting the end use cases into two distinct groups – external users and internal users – Heather details each, along with common and not-so common examples that include news publishing, e-commerce and product information, education and digital learning, media and marketing, manufacturing, and regulated industries such as banking and pharmaceuticals.
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