DAM News Round-Up – 25th July 2022

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web.
What Is The Reason Behind The Current Trend For Revolving Door DAM Implementations?
DAM News Editor Ralph Windsor introduces his latest feature article investigating the rise of so-called ‘revolving door’ DAM implementations – a situation whereby outmoded, poorly implemented or feature-lacking DAM systems are repeatedly replaced. Ralph digs deeper into the numerous reasons for the ever-decreasing lifespan of modern DAM initiatives (compared to enterprise systems of the past), and the often misinformed business decisions behind them. An essential read for DAM managers and users alike.
OpenAI have just announced that their natural language image generation platform DALL-E 2 is now open for beta testing. Beginning from July 20th, they’ll be sending out invitations to around a million users that signed up for the waitlist. Users will receive 50 free credits, each one allowing a single image-generating prompt, variation or edit (DALL-E can also accept user uploaded images and create variations based on them). Once the free credit is gone, users can purchase additional blocks of 115 credits (which equates to around 460 images).
How YOU can co-create art with an AI using Midjourney
Continuing with the topic of AI-based image creation, Discord’s Midjourney project is already up and running, is free to register, and provides 25 free credits. As a testament to its addictive quality, I’ve already signed up for multiple accounts. Although perhaps not quite ready to produce compositions comparable to stock library offerings, the sheer diversity, quality, and authenticity of the results are nonetheless very impressive. Prompts can take the form of a simple phrase or description, but there’s a seemingly endless combination of keywords and switches which include aspect ratio, rendering engines, painting styles, lighting and lens effects, and mimicry variations (e.g. in the style of Hieronymus Bosch, synthwave, manga, Claude Monet, or caricature). For the curious, the image for this article was generated using the prompt blue wireframe spheres surround by digital information.
5 DAM Best Practices: How To Get Maximum Value for Your Business
If you’re just starting out on your first Digital Asset Management initiative, or need to gather some evidence to make a business case, this recent post from DAM software provider Pics.io provides a number of best practice tips to leverage the most value out of your system. Guidance includes how to improve search results, setting up user permissions to improve access management, enforcing taxonomy standards such as filenaming and metadata, improved version control, and streamlining the digital asset content lifecycle.
Do Your Customers Trust Your AI?
AI-assisted technologies are now becoming more prevalent in many aspects of our lives, from simple chatbots and service assistants through to employee screening, setting insurance premiums and making potentially life-changing financial and medical decisions. This recent article from CMSWire takes stock of the current sentiment towards AI amidst a growing number of reports of morally ambiguous practices and provides some interesting statistics concerning what customers expect in terms of trust.
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