DAM News Round-Up – 24th August 2020

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
Taxonomy Terms for Different End-Users
Taxonomy expert and author of ‘The Accidental Taxonomist’ Heather Hedden raises the issue of ambiguity when defining terms, and how simplicity and visual elegance may have to be sacrificed for clarity in certain scenarios. Using job searches as an example, Heather highlights the term ‘Entry Level’, and how positions filed under this term can often mean different things depending upon your viewpoint. A so-called entry-level position that requires two years’ experience might seem like a disappointing misnomer to a graduate jobseeker, although from the employer’s perspective, a junior position that’s new to the organisation theoretically fits such a description.
Why digital design templates are essential for your business
DAM solutions provider Brandmaster extol the virtues of design templates in this recent blog post. If you’ve ever worked in marketing or promotion, you’ve probably come across a scenario where a small image or copy change needs to go back and forth between the creative team, costing both money and time. Templates can help to avoid such bottlenecks, whilst at the same time enforcing brand guidelines by ensuring that out-dated or unauthorised content isn’t being introduced into the workflow.
20 reasons why you need a DAM solution in 2020 (Part 1)
To honour their 20th birthday, Digital Asset Management vendor Digizuite present a three part series on why you need a DAM system. In this first instalment, time savings, brand compliance, consolidation, collaboration, and remote support for users are examined. Links to part two and three are also available, so if you’re tasked with building a business case for DAM, you should find some useful pointers to get the ball rolling.
Product Data Management Defined
DAM software provider Widen explore the definition of Product Data Management (PDM). Not to be confused with Product Information Management, the article represents an easy-to-digest primer in PDM, explaining its pivotal role within engineering and product design, the benefits it can offer, what type of organisations should consider using it, and which software platforms are currently available.
A complete guide to uploading and managing your files in Amazon S3
With the growth of cloud solutions over the last few years, Amazon S3 has emerged as one of the industry’s leading storage providers. With many DAM systems now offering direct integration with Amazon by way of custom connectors, this detailed guide from software provider Pics.io should go some way to flattening the learning curve for new users. The article includes a mini glossary explaining the most common terms, step-by-step instructions on setting up and accessing your ‘buckets’, a list of dedicated online tools to assist you in shunting your data around, and some useful information on metadata and tagging. This is definitely one to bookmark for future reference.
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