DAM News Round-Up – 23rd October 2023

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced by the DAM News editorial team.
The Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Publishing Industry
This whitepaper from licensing, rights and royalties services provider FADEL explores the impact of AI on the publishing industry, along with a detailed examination of the potential disadvantages. Case studies include The New York Times, Associated Press, Bloomberg, McGraw-Hill, and National Geographic, with topics covering content creation, editorial workflows, personalisation, market research, and accessibility. A free download of the report is also available in PDF format (no registration required).
Founder of online visual tech magazine Kaptur, Paul Melcher, takes a look at the meteoric rise and fall of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and how the once seductive promise of an overflowing font of digital wealth has turned into a reported 95% loss for owners of NFTs. Paul explains the reasons behind the gold rush, and how a combination of hype, saturation, bandwagonism, regulation, a global pandemic, and a collapse in cryptocurrency ultimately led to its demise.
DAM solutions provider OpenText present the idea of a ‘global DAM’ in this short blog post. Their definition of a global DAM is one that “serves multi-national organisations with a presence in at least three continents“. The article also explains how such DAMs are funded, the ownership model, phases of implementation, and the crucial role that generative AI will have to play in the future of DAM.
Metadata: one of a librarian’s many expertises!
Librarian and DAM specialist Valerie Kittell offers some insights on metadata schemas, governance and cataloguing, primarily for those working as librarians, archivists and DAM managers. Valerie explains how metadata can come in both paper and digital formats, and due its role as a fundamental “finding aid”, is a crucial component of knowledge-based workflows that can be transferred across many sectors, not just those relating to librarianship.
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