DAM News Round-Up – 21st November 2022

A selection of DAM related articles from around the web, hand-picked by the DAM News editorial team.
The scary truth about AI copyright is nobody knows what will happen next
This recent article from The Verge reporter James Vincent takes a look at a number of pertinent questions that are currently gaining both traction and volume in the field of AI generated art. Can you copyright the output of a generative AI model? If you own the copyright used to feed an AI model, does it give you a legal claim over what it subsequently creates? James breaks down these deceptively simple questions, with opposing claims and examples from both creators and those whose work has been used to ‘seed’ such generative art pieces. James also includes a number of potential solutions, few of which are unlikely to appease all parties involved. An interesting and detailed read.
Introducing the SimpleDAM Digital Asset Management Open Source API Protocol
DAM News has recently announced the release of SimpleDAM – an open source API protocol that aims to provide an interoperability standard for DAM systems, allowing the exchange of assets without the use of multiple proprietary connectors. DAM News Editor Ralph Windsor provides an basic introduction along with links to the GitHub repositories, a demo installation, documentation, and an API sandbox for developers to try out SimpleDAM for themselves.
What You Need to Know About Setting Up Your DAM Metadata Structure
Digital Asset Management software provider QBank present the first instalment of their three part series on metadata structures. This first post provides a basic introduction and covers the importance of developing a solid foundation for your metadata, along with a number of scenarios that warrant the development of a more complex structure, such as a large product set, organisations with multiple brands, multi-territory operations, and companies that manage numerous digital channels.
The Essential Guide for DAM Admins
DAM vendor Widen present a useful guide for DAM administrators. From outlining the broad range of skills that are required to become a DAM admin, through to the weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual duties that they are expected to carry out. The article also provides a good number of practical tips, exercises, and a list of resources and further reading (all Widen, but applicable to other DAM platforms).
How to Identify the Requirements for a Digital Asset Management System
This primer from DAM platform provider Pics.io takes a look at the basic criteria to consider when making a decision about acquiring a new DAM system. Topics covered include user management, roles and permissions, sharing and distribution, identifying the types of asset that your organisation will be working with, catering for growing storage needs, how to decipher the often ambiguous pricing models, and deciding which integrations will be required. For a professional in-depth report about buying DAM systems, you might want to take a look at How to Buy Enterprise DAM Systems from UK DAM consultants Daydream.
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I really enjoyed the Pics.io article this week. It was a useful guide in preparing to find my own DAM platform. I also enjoy how this blog links to further information on topics, the Day Dream article provided excellent information for someone looking for more in-depth information. The Widen article was super insightful. As someone looking to get into the profession and learn more about it, this article was super helpful in gaining insight into what the job of a DAM admin looks like and what they do day-to-day, and the many hats that a DAM admin might wear. The daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual breakdown was super interesting. Like being in charge of sending DAM system users an email monthly about new features is something I never thought about.
Hi Marina, glad you found the round-up links useful!