DAM News Round-Up – 21st March 2022

A selection of DAM and marketing technology related articles from around the web.
DAM as a Part of Your Collaborative Workspace
Digital Asset Management vendor Pics.io explore the topic of collaboration within DAM, and how, whilst liberating us from the office, remote working often causes employees to feel disconnected and lonely. With some interesting statistics, the article explains how a well-connected DAM system can come to the rescue by providing custom-built collaborative workspace tools, permissions, and integrations that allow you to work on the assets you need, whether or not other key members of staff are online.
6 Problems Solved by Digital Brand Management Tools
The numerous challenges of brand asset management are discussed in this recent article from DAM software provider Brandworkz. Brand inconsistency, too many tools, miscommunication, inaccessibility issues, faddish trends, and not keeping track of your brand’s growth or direction are all discussed, along with solutions to keep your brand on track and up-to-date.
5 Reasons Why DAM is Essential for the Entertainment Industry
Norwegian DAM outfit Fotoware take a look at why Digital Asset Management is crucial for entertainment businesses. From effective methods to manage huge amounts of media, through to maintaining consistency within marketing materials and streamlining approval and rights management, there’s plenty of common-sense tips and insights. You can also grab their free downloadable ebook exploring DAM workflows (email registration required).
3 ways DAM can improve infrastructure investment projects
Information management solution providers OpenText present the case for DAM within infrastructure projects, primarily public sector construction. Focusing on contractors, architects and engineers, the article highlights the necessity for systems and workflows that can handle highly detailed digital assets with extensive metadata such as blueprints, CAD drawings, video, photography, and emerging formats such as 3D imagery. Requirements such as project reporting, auditing, and compliance are also covered.
Thinking Of Fonts As Software Makes Managing Them Easier
The inner workings of the lowly yet ubiquitous font is explored in this recent blog post from DAM solutions provider Extensis. With a basic description of what makes a font, a parallel is drawn between it and regular software: both require you to agree to their licensing and usage terms, and both need to be installed. The article also addresses a number of common myths surrounding font usage, and how we often (unintentionally or otherwise) violate their licensing terms by copying and converting them. A useful and informative best practice guide to font compliance is also available for download (PDF, no registration required).
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