DAM News Round-Up – 20th November 2023

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced by the DAM News editorial team.
ResourceSpace at the heart of art: powering the world’s leading art museums and galleries
DAM software provider ResourceSpace showcase an impressive line-up of their cultural clients and case studies, including the Ashmolean Museum Oxford, The Walters Art Museum, and my personal favourite, The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art (creator of classic children’s book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar). An interesting read for librarians, curators and archivists.
5 Reasons You Should Integrate a DAM With Your PIM
This recent blog post from Digital Asset Management vendor Tenovos takes a look at the numerous benefits of integrating PIM (product information management) and DAM. Advantages highlighted include improved discoverability of digital assets, enabling content reuse, streamlining distribution, data consistency and leveraging DAM’s built-in features to effectively manage product information.
We’ve covered the topic of DAM and ROI a number of times here on DAM News, and this article from DAM vendor Brandworkz focuses on the importance of strategic planning within an organisation in order to maximise their DAM platform’s potential value. Guidance includes fostering user adoption and engagement, establishing consistent digital asset processes such as tagging, cataloguing and metadata management, rolling out your DAM across different departments such as marketing, HR and customer service, conducting regular audits, and keeping up-to-date with emerging technologies such as AI.
DAM solutions provider Acquia (formerly Widen) have just announced their acquisition of Monsido – a provider of SaaS web accessibility, SEO, privacy, and content quality and optimisation services. The acquisition, backed by Vista Equity Partners, is expected to be finalised in early 2024, and will extend Acquia’s Drupal-based DXP (digital experience platform) offerings to include accessibility, optimisation, and content compliance.
Just a quick reminder that myself and colleague Ralph Windsor will be in attendance at this year’s OnDAM event, taking place in Paris on the 21st and 22nd November. We look forward to joining our new owners, Activo Consulting, and meeting up with vendors, specialists and general attendees to discuss all things DAM!
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