DAM News Round-Up – 1st March 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
21st Century Digital Infrastructure: 3 Essential Takeaways From DAM and Museums
Richard Widdington, an author at the cultural news website Jing Culture, has recently posted a review of Catherine Devine‘s keynote speech at Henry Stewart’s DAM and Museums conference in February. His opinion piece highlights three main takeaways from Catherine’s roadmap for the digital transformation of the sector, including storytelling, gaining support from the institution itself, and by using a fascinating example of the Vatican Museum’s cataloguing process, how to be prepared for a staggered and often slow process. His article, along with another that explains more about the Microsoft’s museum digitization drive is a must-read for anyone involved in the industry.
7 Things to Consider when Handling Data Migration
DAM solutions provider Pics.io have published a list of seven things to take into account when planning a data migration task. As someone who has undertaken a number of enterprise DAM migrations in the past, the importance of planning is rightly given priority in what represents a fairly concise and detailed article. Covering aspects such as data integrity, building out a risk management strategy, creating back-ups, and fully mapping out the complexity of both your source and destination systems, the article acts as a good first port of call for those tasked with migrating their digital assets, regardless of the platforms involved.
IPTC Video Metadata Hub User Guide released
Global news standards organisation IPTC’s Video Metadata Working Group has recently announced the release of its initial User Guide. The ‘Hub’, or schema in plain speak, aims to streamline and simplify the management of video metadata. Along with field descriptions, the article presents a series of use cases and common scenarios to demonstrate its use when cataloguing and storing rights or licensing information.
Best Practices for Setting SMAART DAM Goals
Digital content consultants Stacks highlight the importance of setting goals when implementing a DAM initiative, using their mnemonic SMAART, which stands for specific, measurable, attainable, aggressive, relevant, and time-sensitive. The analogy of setting out on a journey without a map, although simple, is fairly accurate in this context, and the short yet concise article is a solid enough launch pad for those at the start of their DAM journey.
The Great Suppression – Why Marketing Teams Need More Freedom
Producers of the AssetBank DAM system, Bright, have recently taken a closer look at digital marketing trends, more specifically, the attitudes surrounding the adoption of ‘brave’ new strategies, such as humour, within marketing campaigns, and how an organisation’s senior management may be playing it too safe by effectively hobbling potentially risky but creative ideas. With a broad range of obscure, but nonetheless interesting and relevant statistics, the research is accompanied by a 40-minute podcast exploring the potential impact that humour can have on marketing drives.
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