DAM News Round-Up – 19th October 2020

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
Why the Lift-and-Shift Approach to Content Migration Doesn’t Work
Vice President of Tendo Communications, Lindy Roux, has recently published an article exploring a number of potential issues that can be encountered with the bulk migration of content to a new CMS or DAM system. With a list of common pitfalls and a series of actionable tips covering the identification, rationalisation and mapping stages, this well-written and easy-to-digest advice should assist you in planning and executing a successful migration strategy.
The True Cost of Using WordPress
Kaya Ismail, software journalist and founder of Wordify, raises the issue of hidden costs when using WordPress, widely regarded as being the most popular, and free, web publishing platform ever released. Kaya explains that additional costs begin to appear when using WordPress as an enterprise CMS, whether it be the extra time and effort required to maintain a series of plugins or customisations, or the development costs when off-the-shelf plugins need to be extended or modified to avoid conflicts.
Better Workflows for Digital Asset Management with WorkRooms 3.0.0
Digital Asset Management software provider Celum have recently announced the release of a new version of their Team Management platform WorkRooms and its improved integration with their flagship DAM ContentHub. With extended import/export functions and new marketing automation features, the latest release also includes updated design elements to improve user experience.
News of another new release comes from Camera Bits, with the introduction of their Photo Mechanic Plus software. Described as a ‘digital asset management product for photographers’, the new version promises a host of features including cataloguing capabilities, metadata processing, and collections. The article doubles up as a fairly lengthy how-to guide, so if you’re after a critical review, this might not be the best place to start. Apparently this latest extension to the software has been 15 years in the making, and according to Carl Seibert Solutions, it “just works”.
Big data transfer to Google Drive: Top Solutions
DAM solutions provider Pics.io walk us through the various different ‘legitimized’ Google Drive services that are available when ferrying big data to and from their cloud services, along with a list of compatible third-party data transfer tools and their respective pros and cons. The article provides a fairly decent summary of the available options if you’re tasked with transferring a considerably large amount of data (i.e. hundreds of terabytes) to the Google content cloud.
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