DAM News Round-Up – 19th July 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
Review of MerlinOne’s NOMAD Image Search Technology
DAM News Editor Ralph Windsor test drives DAM software vendor MerlinOne‘s new proprietary NOMAD (NOMetAData) image search feature. In this fairly detailed review, Ralph demos the software to discover whether this new addition to the DAM system’s search armoury (which promises to lighten the load of manual metadata entry) can live up to its claims and improve search capability.
Image Recognition and the Widen Collective®
Digital Asset Management platform provider Widen have recently posted a summary of their current standing with AI-based image recognition and autotagging in their Widen Collective system. With almost half of respondents to their 2017 survey expressing hesitancy in adopting AI technology due to its inherent inaccuracies, Widen have been cautiously moving forward with image recognition and auto-tagging using Clarifai’s computer vision.
Replay: 50 Shades of DAM – The right path to success
Following its recent webinar on all things DAM, Frédéric Sanuy from activo consulting follows up with a YouTube video of the event, along with his usual pick ‘n’ mix of DAM related tidbits and opinion, including infographics for a designer’s approach to DAM, and the 10 Core Characteristics of DAM as set out by consultancy firm IQ Equity.
3 Ways DAM Streamlines Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Delivery
If you’ve ever wondered about how DAM fits into the supply chain for Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) such as breakfast cereal or over-the-counter medicines, this recent article from consultants CyanGate takes a look at how DAM and PIM (product information management) systems can assist in streamlining the whole process. A brief overview of industry-specific technical information such as GS1’s metadata and product data standards is also provided (it’s interesting to note that their productDNA system uses a very similar refrain to DAM’s “single source of truth“).
New: AI Auto-Tagging with Image Relay
DAM software provider Image Relay complete our hat-trick of AI-based image recognition and auto-tagging articles this week. Image Relay’s latest announcement introduces three new features: Smart Curation – the ability to automate content organisation, automatic duplicate detection, and the ability to extract predominant colours from uploaded images. Although the latter is far from the “advanced AI” they claim (it’s been a stock feature of server-side image processing for decades), it’s nonetheless a serviceable feature for marketing creatives that need to work within predefined colour palettes.
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