DAM News Round-Up – 19th August 2024

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, hand-picked by the DAM News editorial team.

Taxonomies and Ontologies as Semantic Models

Author and taxonomist Heather Hedden provides a characteristically technical deep-dive into the significance of semantics when describing the increasingly combined use of taxonomies and ontologies. Heather covers a range of topics including the varying degree of semantics within classification systems, semantic search and tagging, how “semantic data” can add value to content, and the use of a “semantic layer” as a standardised framework to bridge and connect content, information and data across silos and enterprise architectures.

The Content Tsunami: Navigating the Overload

Amidst the explosion of digital content creation, Visual tech expert Paul Melcher poses the question “what happens when there’s simply too much content?”  With some staggering statistics, Paul explains how generative AI has played a major role in this unprecedented rise in content, what we can expect in five years if the trend continues (114 years’ worth of daily video uploads), and how it relates to typical content consumption habits.  The article also provides a number of tips and insights for navigating such an overwhelming level of content, including better curation tools, balancing human and AI selection processes, transparency for AI-generated content, fostering education and critical thinking, and nurturing ‘serendipitous discovery’ in order to balance the burgeoning echo-chamber of personalised and often myopic content.

Best Practices for Optimizing Your Digital Asset Management (DAM) System

Linda Nygård from Digital Asset Management software provider QBank presents a series of best-practice tips for optimising your DAM system.  Guidance includes implementing automation and integration, including AI, in order to reduce manual tasks such as batch processing and metadata entry, regular maintenance and auditing to remove stale assets and keep the system snappy and responsive, enforcing file naming conventions and tagging policies to assist with standardisation, providing training sessions, and garnering feedback to ensure the system is optimised and aligned with user expectations and experiences.

Eco-Lighthouse certification: Fotoware’s commitment to sustainability

DAM solutions provider Fotoware have recently announced their Eco-Lighthouse certification – Norway’s most recognised certificate for organisations aiming to create a positive environmental impact.  The announcement covers the criteria and efforts the DAM vendor is making to reduce their ecological footprint and achieve sustainability goals.

Navigating Music Licensing for Videos

Licensing, rights and royalties services provider FADEL take a look at the importance of music licensing, and how recent high-profile copyright claims against social media giants such as Twitter and TikTok have led to a new wave of license negotiations.  The article cites a number of costly cautionary tales, along with a series of common sense tips for protecting your brand and remaining compliant, including the use of public domain songs, being aware of the limitations of so-called ‘royalty-free’ music, using music from platform’s commercial pre-licensed libraries, and employing content tracking software to detect and identify any potential licensing issues.

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