DAM News Round-Up – 19th April 2022

A selection of DAM and marketing technology related articles from around the web.
Redaction Capabilities And Digital Asset Management: What You Need To Know
This recent article from Northern Irish DAM solutions provider Aetopia explores the built-in redaction capabilities of Digital Asset Management platforms. The post outlines a number of use cases where sensitive or irrelevant data might need to be removed, including evidence management, enterprise confidentiality, and safeguarding within charitable organisations. Aetopia’s own platform is capable of redacting content from audio, video, and image based assets..
“Algorithmic Destruction” Policy Defangs Dodgy AI
Unethical data practices such as illegally harvesting user information or applying AI powered facial recognition algorithms to user-generated content without adequate consent is under scrutiny in this recent post from IEEE. Highlighting a number of recent cases involving the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the impact of so-called ‘algorithmic destruction’ on a business’s bottom line is explored, along with the increasingly vigilant deterrents that are being implemented to prevent big tech companies from training their machine learning algorithms and profiting from ill-gotten data.
Optimizing Subject Rights Requests
This recent blog post from information management consultants OpenText presents part one of a two-part series on Subject Rights Requests (SRR) – the act of fulfilling a user’s request for accessing a copy of the personal data and any additional information that a company holds about them. This first instalment covers a number of topics discussed in a recent webinar for eDiscovery solutions, including cost reduction in requests, the benefits of adopting a holistic approach to SRRs, and the importance of developing a solid information governance workflow. A useful table is provided, comparing the implications of processing SRRs with and without information governance (IG), along with additional information covering the various types of requests that can be submitted to an organisation, and the key differences between manual processing and those using automated eDiscovery tools.
Digital Asset Management software provider Widen provide a quick recap of the most common maintenance and housekeeping tasks that a DAM manager is likely to undertake. The primary task is keeping the user dashboard up-to-date – the first thing that users will encounter when they log into the DAM system. This includes updates to the company’s brand, spotlight searches, new collections, and addressing common user issues by way of documentation, FAQs, or user surveys. Other responsibilities include a monthly review of your user list to review and approve any new accounts and delete inactive ones, and setting up a regular schedule to identify assets that need to be archived – ensuring that they are correctly tagged and categorised prior to archiving so they can be easily found should they be reinstated at a later date.
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