DAM News Round-Up – 17th October 2022

A selection of DAM and related technology articles from around the web, hand-picked by the DAM News editorial team.
A host of new features for MediaGraph have been announced by its provider The DAM Software Company. New functionality includes automatics OCR, secure FTP (SFTP) uploads, selection improvements, pipeline email notifications, sort order and new ways to move collections, folders and lightboxes around. A 30% discount is also available for the CI HUB DAM integration connector, redeemable up until November 15th 2022.
Visual tech specialist Paul Melcher has recently posted a thought-provoking blog article exploring the fear behind the new wave of AI-assisted generative art platforms such as DALL-E, Midjourney, and Google’s Imagen. Paul argues that the real driver behind the alarmist attitudes is fear of replacement, particularly if you’re a stock image library (a topic I’ve briefly covered on DAM News). Although it’s imperative that concerns surrounding copyright infringement claims are upheld, Paul suggests that now AI has been let out of the bag, it’s ultimately here to stay.
Dealing With AI Biases, Part 3: Emergent Biases in Operational Models
This third instalment of Michael Wu‘s series on AI biases focuses on how emergent biases can still occur even when machine learning training sets have been purged of known biases. Michael explains how this class of bias, if not directly inherited from the data, must therefore originate from the training process itself. The article continues with a detailed and concise breakdown of the make-up of such training bias, and what measures can be taken to identify and tackle it.
Five types of integrations your DAM solution needs
If you’re new to DAM or have yet to consider any third-party integrations or connectors, this recent article from DAM software vendor Bynder provides a basic introduction to the most common types of integration. Their list of five popular solutions include Content Management Systems (CMS), Product Information Management (PIM), Digital Experience Platforms (DXP), Marketing Automation, and Design/Creative tools such as Adobe Creative Cloud. A summary of benefits for each type and links to examples is also provided.
Interview with Ashish Jaiman about Synthetic Media
Henrik de Gyor’s latest interview subject is Microsoft Bing’s Director of Product Ashish Jaiman. After working for Microsoft’s Defending Democracy program – a team charged with raising the issue of disinformation and the burgeoning threat of synthetic media such as deepfakes. Ashish explains how a perfect storm of technology, cloud computing and access to massive amounts of data compelled him to focus on synthetic media and how society might go about using it for positive change.
Image generated at Mage.Space with prompt: Digital Asset Management
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