DAM News Round-Up – 17th January 2022

A collection of recent DAM and marketing technology related articles from around the web.
4 Benefits of a DAM for Nonprofit Organizations
Digital Asset Management software provider MediaValet investigate the benefits of a DAM system for non-profit organisations in this recent blog post. Updated and revised for 2022, the article includes tips on leveraging your brand, improved collaboration, how to create more impactful content, and the importance of preserving legacy content.
Author and taxonomist Heather Hedden presents some preliminary results to her 2022 taxonomist survey. This is her third such survey, with the first and second taking place in 2009 and 2015 respectively. The current survey has already exceeded 150 respondents, and is open until January 28th for those wishing to participate. Results are likely to appear in future blog posts, and will also be available in the third edition of her book, The Accidental Taxonomist, when it is published.
What Does It Mean to Manage Knowledge?
Patrick Bosek, Content Operations specialist and CEO of knowledge management software company Heretto, explores what it actually means to “manage knowledge”. Focusing on tools and processes, as opposed to people, Patrick provides his own definition of what knowledge management is, essentially breaking it down into four key elements: expanding codified knowledge, enriching and organising it for maximum findability, structuring it for omni-channel use, and lifecycle maintenance, including destroying ROT assets (Redundant, Obsolete, Trivial).
Bynder’s 2022 Creative Content Crystal Ball
DAM platform vendor Bynder provide 7 predictions for DAM, content and digital marketing for the year ahead. The article includes tips and insights covering digital marketing strategies, the continuing breaking down of silo-based solutions, the emergence of more DTC (direct to consumer) business models, providing more time for brand creatives, improved connectivity and collaboration between partners, the evolution of workflows, guidelines and governance to keep up with diversifying content sources, and the long-term vision for customer experience and personalisation.
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