DAM News Round-Up – 15th April 2024

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced by the DAM News editorial team.
Generative AI for Taxonomy Creation
Author and Taxonomist Heather Hedden has recently published an article on the Enterprise Knowledge website exploring the latest developments in taxonomy creation using generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT and their numerous shortcomings and challenges, including the results of her own experiments. A detailed and engaging read for anyone interested in cutting-edge knowledge management and information classification trends.
How Tech Giants Cut Corners to Harvest Data for A.I.
This recent article from the New York Times highlights the often questionable data-scraping tactics employed by large AI companies to feed the insatiable hunger of their LLMs (Large Language Models). With some startling statistics, this in-depth exposé reveals the enormity of the big players’ appetites for training data, the extent of their disregard for copyright, and the legal fog in which they’ve chosen to shroud themselves. The piece also covers the latest advances in creating ‘synthetic’ data – an existing technique that involves the AI model itself being trained on AI-generated content.
4 Visual AI Platforms Proving That AI Can Thrive with Properly Licensed Content
On a related, yet more positive note, visual tech expert and founder of online magazine Kaptur Paul Melcher highlights four generative AI image creation platforms that have taken the ethical lead by ensuring that their AI models are trained exclusively on appropriately licensed material. Paul explains how Adobe, Getty Images, Shutterstock and Bria.ai have side-stepped potential legal issues and set an important precedent by enshrining respect for creators’ rights, digital provenance and data responsibility into their AI operations.
Photo Metadata User Guide updated, including guidance for AI images
The global standards body for press media, IPTC, have just announced an update to their Photo Metadata User Guide. The latest version includes accessibility guidance, a new section on tips for applying metadata to AI-generated images, guides for a number of new fields, and an updated examples section to demonstrate usage of recently introduced fields.
4 ways to pick a Future-Proof Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform
Digital Asset Management software provider Orange Logic provides some practical guidance on what to look out for to ensure that your chosen DAM solution is able to keep up with a constantly evolving digital ecosystem. Advice includes: finding an API-First platform in order to facilitate extensibility, scalability and flexibility; selecting a pure-play DAM vendor (i.e. a vendor whose main product is DAM); making sure the vendor has a product roadmap; and learning as much as you can up-front about the company’s background, reputation and customer retention rates. For a detailed analysis of 16 common vendors and an exclusive 500+ page guide on buying enterprise DAM systems, sign up for a Premium DAM News Subscription.
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