DAM News Round-Up – 14th December 2020

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
What is Digital Asset Management (DAM)?
Dan Devoe, Head of Marketing for DAM solutions provider Image Relay, has recently posted a concise and plain-speaking definition of Digital Asset Management. Dan breaks down the topic into four key areas: What is DAM; How DAM saves time; Who benefits from DAM; and other forms of digital asset. If you’re new to DAM, this article should certainly help clear the fog and provide you with a solid foundation to research the subject further.
Five Questions to Ask Yourself to Measure the Success of your DAM Project: KPIs and ROI
We’ve frequently raised the topic of ROI (return on investment) here on DAM News, especially with regards to the often flawed, quantitative methods employed. In this brief article, Digital Asset Management software provider Wedia poses five questions to help organisations measure the effectiveness of their DAM initiative, specifically in terms of KPIs (key performance indicators) and ROI. With numerous actionable tips, it’s a worthwhile checklist for any DAM project, whether or not its ROI is failing to meet expectations.
How AI Can Enhance the DAM Experience
Digital Asset Management solutions provider Nuxeo focus their attention on the continuing benefits of Artificial Intelligence in this short article, primarily the automated tagging and population of metadata. Although I have to question the assumption that AI alone can provide “an increased variety of accurate metatags”, there are nonetheless valid points made about improving the so-called findability of digital assets.
So, you want to change our DAM during a pandemic?
Marketing technology services provider ICP discuss the topic of change management in this recent blog post. The three key pillars presented are: let users’ voices be heard; provide multiple touchpoints to assist users; and be flexible in terms of anticipating and handling strategic changes part way through a project. If your organisation is intending to make some DAM changes during this already difficult period, these three operational maxims could help smooth out your journey.
Creatives Can Be Organised, Logically
We’re all familiar with the notion of the chaotic, disorganised creative, and at the other end of the spectrum, the caricature of the fastidious, anal retentive type that takes organisation to the extreme. In this article, Richard Bamford, European Lead for DAM service provider Extensis, challenges the somewhat over-simplified idea that right-brain types, that is, creatives, have a problem with organisation, often to the point of viewing it as a pointless exercise. With tips for both left and right-brain individuals, the article should help identify and improve everyone’s organisational skills in the workplace.
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