DAM News Round-Up – 13th September 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web.
Digital marketing and customer experience solutions provider Acquia have recently confirmed their acquisition of popular DAM platform provider Widen. DAM News Editor Ralph Windsor has published an introductory piece that presents some of his initial thoughts on the transaction, with a follow-up in-depth article planned for Premium Subscribers in the coming weeks.
SaaS vs. Hosted vs. Hybrid vs. Open Source DAM: Which Is Right for You?
The four basic DAM delivery models – SaaS (Software as a Service), hosted, hybrid, and Open Source – are presented in this recent blog post from Widen. There’s little impartiality to be found in the article, with an obvious bias towards Widen’s own SaaS solution, but it’s descriptive enough to glean a basic understanding of the different approaches and their respective pros and cons.
DAM for the energy industry: the key to success
With the energy and communications sectors now resembling a free-for-all stock market scramble, providers are now laser-focused on gaining new customers. DAM platform provider Wedia take a look at how Digital Asset Management plays a crucial role in gaining market share, and how a single source of truth underpins an effective martech stack and assists in preserving brand integrity in marketing visuals such as video.
7 Common Challenges Police Forces Face When Handling Digital Evidence
DAM provider Fotoware are offering a free eBook exploring the numerous challenges associated with the lifecycle of digital evidence in law enforcement. From CCTV and bodycam footage through to drones, biometrics and crowdsourced evidence from devices such as mobile phones, the article aims to shed some light on the techniques and technologies required to manage the enormous volume of data, along with the security concerns of sharing it.
Mergers and Acquisitions: The Implications for Enterprise Search
UK Information Scientist Martin White shares his thoughts on the most recent wave of corporate acquisitions and its impact on cross-organisational enterprise search – an issue that is rarely, if ever, addressed in takeover discussions. Covering a range of topics from AI to maintaining corporate confidentiality, Martin concludes his article with a simple checklist of recommended actions to take, vis-à-vis search, when a ‘black swan’ event such as a takeover occurs in your organisation.
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