DAM News Round-Up – 13th June 2022

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web.
DAM – It’s Not the Library, it’s the Gym!
In this recent article, Lisa Grimm analogizes DAM and compares it to a gym, where your digital assets receive a workout and become fit for their ever-increasing role in today’s digital content ecosystem. She explains how low-level core training can be compared to tagging, metadata, and governance, whereas getting your integrations and data models in shape can provide additional value through the strength and flexibility of your assets.
Lytho Launches Creative Workflow Software Solution in Europe
Digital Asset Management solution provider Lytho have recently announced their new creative workflow software following the acquisition of US-based company inMotionNow. After extensive work on the software, it is now ready for general availability across the European Union and offers a number of benefits, including project management, streamlined review and approval workflows, resource management, advanced metrics, and personalised dashboards.
Tips for Convincing Your Organization of the Value of DAM
Sales and Marketing Manager at Stacks, Ben Owen, provides a number of useful tips for making a business case for DAM. Although we’ve highlighted the often spurious nature of quantitative methods to calculate ROI in the past, it seems folks are still eager to present their own formulas to quantify the amount of time and money lost to slow searches and poor findability of their digital assets. Additional advice includes highlighting how bottlenecks in your supply chain can negatively impact customers, the risks involved with off-brand and out-of-date assets and expired usage permission and licensing, being aware of industry standards by comparison, and providing a detailed and concise roadmap of the journey from ‘lost to launch’.
Why generative AI will change the way DAMs work forever
DAM vendor WoodWing join the latest AI bandwagon and explore the emerging technology of generative AI (also referred to as synthetic media or content). The article begins with a definition of traditional AI – which is discriminative in nature – and explains how, although undeniably useful, it is still limited in its capacity by being unable to create anything new. Covering a number of new platforms such as DeepAI, Wombo, and Bria, the article concludes by highlighting the natural partnership between DAM and synthetic content creation, and how DAM vendors that are quick to embrace such technologies will be ahead of the game.
Deep Clean and Organize Your Digital Content Library
Digital Asset Management platform provider PhotoShelter present 7 tips from the Stacks team to help you declutter your organisation’s DAM system. Advice includes helping your photographers to make their workflows more efficient, organising your DAM according to the specific needs of its users (e.g. social media managers), adding brand-specific keywords to help with discoverability of commonly used assets, and ensuring your file naming conventions are kept up-to-date and relevant.
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