DAM News Round-Up – 13th December 2021

A collection of recent DAM and marketing technology related articles from around the web.
Digital Asset Management platform vendor Widen have recently published a basic guide to metadata, outlining its key properties and uses in a DAM system. The article provides examples of the various types of metadata, along with examples demonstrating its role in defining, categorising, and facilitating the enhanced findability and organisation of your digital assets. Metadata schemas and the purpose of controlled vocabularies are also explained.
Build Your Martech Stack on a DAM Foundation
John Horodyski takes a look at the history, components, and purpose of marketing technology software combinations, commonly known as the martech stack. Topics covered include planning, implementation, DAM integration, and automation, along with guidance on how to make informed decisions when choosing which software to use in a constantly evolving digital content lifecycle and customer experience ecosystem.
DAM in Hospitality & Tourism: Why & How
DAM solutions provider Pics.io examine the trends in tourism and hospitality, and how the once physical process of booking holidays via travel agencies, brochures and reps has given way to a wholly digital experience that includes Instagram photos, review and rating websites, and social media recommendations. The article outlines the benefits of a DAM system in a hospitality environment, along with several workflow examples using their own platform.
4 Innovative DAM Tips from a University Videographer
This recent blog post from photo management software vendor Photoshelter provides a number of creative Digital Asset Management tips through the lens of South Carolina University videographer, Jesuel Rivera. With some fascinating cultural archive material, Jesuel explains the stories, technologies, and techniques behind his creative workflow, and how a centralised and well-managed DAM system helps him to organise, deliver, and share his media across multiple campaigns and channels.
How Mature Is Your Content Organization?
Digital content strategist Lindy Roux questions the robustness of your content organisation, and why its maturity should be a core consideration for business growth strategies. Using the Rahel Bailie‘s 2001 model, the article breaks down the five key elements, or “pillars”, when evaluating your organisation’s content experience maturity level: strategy, content creation, content architecture, content operations, and content optimisation. A worthwhile read for anyone working within DAM, Enterprise Content Management (ECM) or digital content strategy.
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