Featured Event – The Story of AI (So Far) – 11th May 2023

This week’s highlighted event is a lecture and Q&A session hosted by renowned AI expert Professor Murray Shanahan, whose work and research on AI and cognitive robotics has featured in numerous publications and television programmes, including the film Ex Machina, where he was a scientific advisor. Entitled ‘The Story of AI So Far‘, this in-person event will be taking place on Thursday 11th May at Imperial College London’s South Kensington Campus. Professor Shanahan will be telling the story of Artificial Intelligence, from its lowly origins to the current boom in generative AI. There will be an opportunity for the audience to ask questions, along with drinks and networking. Tickets are £10 for members, and £15 for general admission.
“Professor Shanahan’s research and publications span artificial intelligence, robotics, logic, dynamical systems, computational neuroscience, and philosophy of mind. His work up to 2000 was in the tradition of classical, symbolic AI. He then turned his attention to the brain and its embodiment. His current interests include neurodynamics, consciousness, machine learning, and the impacts of artificial intelligence.” [Read More]
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