Featured Event – Looking ahead to 2023, DAM Workflow & Future Innovation – 14th December 2022

This week’s highlighted event is a webinar entitled ‘Looking ahead to 2023 – DAM, Workflow & Future Innovation‘ by digital content integration specialists CI HUB. This free to attend event will be exploring the topics, trends and technologies for the coming year, featuring a line-up of speakers and industry experts from Shutterstock, Aprimo, PureRED and vAIsual. Topics will include the changing face of work, the use of AI-generated images within Digital Asset Management, martech workflows and integrations, and whether or not DAM is still relevant. The webinar will be taking place on 14th December 2022 at 6pm CEST (9am PDT, 5pm GMT).
“2022 was a year of amazing innovations and technology that will continue to influence The Future of Work. Hear from our expert panel as they review what’s coming in 2023.” [Read More]
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