Featured Event – KMWorld 2024, Washington DC – 18th-21st November 2024

Hailed as the world’s leading Knowledge Management conference, this week’s upcoming featured event is KMWorld 2024, taking place in Washington DC from 18th to 21st November. This year’s multi-track agenda spans four days and will be offering up a broad selection of keynotes, workshops, sessions and panel discussions covering the latest trends and technologies in knowledge management, artificial intelligence, governance, taxonomies, training, scalability and content readiness. A number of co-located events are also available, including Enterprise AI World, Enterprise Search & Discovery, Text Analytics Forum, and Taxonomy Bootcamp. Tickets cost from $395 for the pre-conference workshops to $2,195 for the all-access platinum pass. Group discounts are available.
“This year’s conference theme — KM & Enterprise Intelligence: Human or Artificial? — focuses on the innovative breakthroughs and learning experiences from KM practitioners as they steer their organizations into the future. Featuring new, creative, knowledge-sharing tools and techniques as well as human strategies that have an impact on all types of organizations and communities, KMWorld 2024 highlights knowledge sharing in action for exceptional innovation and bottom-line success.” [Read More]
Here at DAM News, we’re preparing to head out to Paris for this year’s OnDAM Paris conference, taking place on 19th and 20th November. We’ll be posting a final reminder next week and there’s still time to reserve your free ticket!
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