Featured Event – KM World 2023, Washington – 6th-9th November 2023

This week’s highlighted event is KM World 2023 – a conference focused on Knowledge Management and Enterprise Solutions. Taking place in Washington from 6th to 9th November, and co-located with Enterprise Search & Discovery, Taxonomy Bootcamp and Enterprise AI World, this in-person event represents an excellent opportunity for attendees to gain invaluable advice and strategic guidance in the fields of knowledge management, enterprise search, taxonomy and text analytics from over 120 speakers across a broad range of disciplines and industries. The multi-track conference will be offering keynotes, practical workshops, in-depth training, discussion panels and networking opportunities. Tickets cost from $295 for the pre-conference workshops, with full attendance starting at $1995.
“Join us in Washington, DC this November for KMWorld 2023 where you’ll get practical advice, hear inspiring thought leadership, and have access to in-depth training and workshops on how KM and related disciplines can provide enormous value for your organization and transform your business. This year’s conference theme, KM Joy: Thrills & Challenges of the Tech-Driven KM Journey, focuses on the innovative breakthroughs and learning experiences from KM practitioners as they steer their organizations into the future.” [Read More]
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