Featured Event – AI in 2023: Exciting Developments and Heightened Risks – April 5th 2023

This week’s featured event is a presentation and networking event exploring the emerging trends in AI and the risks and challenges that come with such powerful technologies. Hosted by the Austin Forum and taking place on Wednesday 5th April, AI in 2023: Exciting Developments and Heightened Risks is a free-to-attend hybrid event (in-person and via Zoom). The speaker, Dr. Steve Kramer, a computational physicist and data science professional, will be covering a range of topics including generative AI models such as Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT, computer vision, supply chain optimisation, and NLP (natural language processing).
There will be an opportunity to network before and after the presentation, with a Q&A session for virtual or in-person attendees to ask their own questions.
“In this talk, Steve will give an introduction to AI for non-practitioners and then highlight current use cases in generative AI, computer vision, natural language processing, time series forecasting, anomaly detection, reinforcement learning, and recommender systems where AI-based systems are already performing well or offer significant promise to do so in the near future. He will also discuss the significant risks of AI systems related to incorrectness, bias, fairness, privacy, fraud, cybersecurity, and misinformation/disinformation and then the current efforts in algorithmic accountability and AI ethics to minimize negative impacts or harms.” [Read More]
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