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Global Metaverse Carnival

Tuesday December 6th - Friday December 9th, 2022
$0 - 480

After the success of the last Asia Metaverse Conference 2022, we received a lot of feedback from the global audience about the need for further learning and socializing with the global Metaverse companies. So the Metaverse Club is organizing the Global Metaverse Carnival 2022, a big festival for global Metaverse companies in 2022! It will be happening from 6th-8th December 2022.

Global Metaverse Carnival 2022 is for the English and Chinese markets and will bring together 2000+ participants from Metaverse brands, investors, technology companies, blockchain companies, and journalists to discuss the significant global events happening in the Metaverse in the second half of 2022!

Event Venue: This is an online event, and it will hold in our custom 3D snow house virtual event system in which everyone creates a unique avatar of their own and walk around the venue to explore the 3D expo area, talk, and Q&A with the speakers, exhibitors, investors, and others!

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Organiser: Metaverse Club (@Metaverse_C1ub)
Type: Webinar/Podcast
Goal: Not Specified
Ref: DN-EV-576
Added by: DAM News Administrator

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