Call for Contributions: AI and Legal Issues with DAM

This month’s editorial theme is AI and Legal Issues with DAM.  As vendors rush to integrate features such as facial recognition, auto-tagging and generative AI into their platforms, there are a number of legal considerations that organisations should be aware of when implementing AI, including data privacy, intellectual property and copyright, bias and fairness, regulatory compliance, data retention, international implications, and ethical considerations. To navigate these complexities, especially in a relatively new field that is still shrouded in legal uncertainty, organisations may need to consult professionals and stay informed about evolving regulations and best practices. Addressing these issues is crucial for ensuring compliance, protecting user rights, and fostering the responsible use of AI within DAM systems.

Call for Contributions

We are inviting our readers and subscribers for contributions on the subject and we’d love to hear about your experiences, insights and challenges regarding the legal issues surrounding AI and DAM.  What measures have you or your organisation taken to provide digital asset provenance information and ensure that AI is used responsibly?  What legal or regulatory obstacles have you encountered whilst integrating AI into your DAM platforms and workflows?  How have you gained consent from your users when introducing AI features?  Have vendors provided sufficient information about the copyright status of the machine learning data sets used to feed your AI tools?

Contributed articles must be exclusive to DAM News (i.e. not published elsewhere), non-promotional and adhere to our editorial guidelines.

You can send your contributions to

We reserve the right to modify submissions in order to comply with our editorial guidelines and will notify the author should we need to make any changes.  We will also provide a link to either you or your company’s website and/or LinkedIn profile.

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