Featured Job – Media Asset Manager, NFL – 20th August 2021

This week’s featured opening is for a Media Asset Manager with American professional football association, the National Football League (NFL). Operating out of California, the successful candidate will be responsible for managing digital video and media asset workflow tasks, including content ingestion, maintaining and expanding metadata and taxonomy processes, video workflow integration, documentation, monitoring, and reporting. An operation knowledge of MAM and DAM technology is required.
“The NFL Media Group is seeking a Media Asset Manager to join the Technical Operations team. This position is responsible for ensuring the daily content operations are running smoothly by ensuring the integrity and metadata accuracy of ingested content and supporting new and existing business with the system. The Media Asset Manager will be expected to maintain an operational level knowledge of the Video Content Management System and workflows in order to serve NFL Media’s business roadmap.” [Read More]
For full details, see the DAM News job posting at the following link:
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