Featured Job – Executive Director of Digital Media Supply Chain, Sony Pictures – 14th October 2022

This week’s featured opening is for an Executive Director of Digital Media Supply Chain for multinational media and studio conglomerate Sony Pictures Entertainment. Working under the DMSC Agile Squad, the successful applicant will have at least ten years of experience working in a production, post-production or media distribution role, with an excellent knowledge of the associated workflows. Key responsibilities encompass a broad range of management and strategic duties and disciplines, including championing the DMSC roadmap, providing advice and expertise on asset standardisation and metadata models, project management and progress reports, and establishing best practice for onboarding internal and external Work-in-Progress and DAM users.
“The DMSC Agile Squad will work under the direction of a squad sponsor and steering committee comprised of senior leadership for each business and technology function at the studio. The Executive Director will be responsible for providing holistic analysis SPE metadata, taxonomy, and industry best practice to drive standardization in accordance with the DMSC Roadmap and guidance of the DMSC Squad Leadership.” [Read More]
You can view the full job description at the following page:
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Image Credit: Chris Yarzab (cc-by-2.0)
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