DAM Hosting And Integration Decisions

On the ADAM blog, my co-contributor and fellow author of the DAM News whitepaper Digital Asset Management Hosting: Making The Right Decision For Your Organisation has written the “missing chapter” of our original report DAM Hosting & Enterprise Application Integration.  The blog post includes integration topics which we did not include in the paper and is a useful follow up for anyone who has already read it.  The post covers:

  • What Types Of System Do DAMs Get Integrated With?
  • Hosting Choices
  • Hosting & Integration Flexibility
  • Integration Best Practices

The feasibility and complexity of integration can be affected by hosting choices for both the DAM itself and the system that needs to be integrated with it. Organisations may use many IT solutions with multiple hosting arrangements. As well as on-site (both new and legacy) they might have applications that are hosted remotely by the vendor or subscribe to SaaS offerings. Another increasingly common option is the use of so-called Virtual Private Clouds where a Cloud hosting provider’s infrastructure is used but with direct connections into the enterprise’s existing infrastructure.” [Read More]

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