Digital Asset Management News contains the latest news, reviews, trends and opinion about the Digital Asset Management (DAM) industry including comment by the editor as well as feature articles contributed by independent authors.
If you have an idea for an original article or feature, please feel free to contact us and we will consider your article for inclusion. Feature articles should be exclusive to DAM News and must not be previously published elsewhere, although we are happy for contributors to syndicate the article post-publication. Please read our editorial guidelines below first before sending us material.
Editorial Guidelines
We do like to receive:
- DAM product updates and information about new releases.
- Vendor neutral information and comment about the DAM industry.
- Educational articles that explain key topics and subjects in DAM, but these must be generic and not specific to any particular product or platform.
- Events and meetings such as trade shows (but note the guidelines below).
We don’t like:
- Gratuitous sales oriented ‘advertorials’.
- Information about new hires and staff.
- Case studies by vendors or consultants about work carried out for clients.
- Office moves and re-location news.
- Revenue stories about increases in turnover/profit. Also don’t send us details of how many new customers you have won over x months/years.
- Partner summits or other events that relate only to your own product.
- Partnerships* and information about who you have just done deals with.
- Customer contract win news.
- Website revamps press.
* Occasionally if your partnership story involves interoperability and integration between two different products (one of which must be a DAM solution) then we are more interested in that type of news.
The rule about sending us copy is whether or not you would still be interested in reading it if your biggest competitors wrote it. Anything we feature has to have a wider level of interest outside the organisation you represent and anyone already connected to it.
Embargo policy
Please advise if your content has an embargo. Preferably, do not send it to us until it is ready for general release.
Press Links
We like to be able to point our readers to copies of press releases so they can read it for themselves and make their own minds up. Please include links to publicly accessible websites with copies of your release (whether on your own site or other press release aggregators).
DAM News Editor
Russell McVeigh, Editor, russell.mcveigh at activo-consulting dot com
DAM News Publisher
Ralph Windsor, Publisher, ralph.windsor at activo-consulting dot com
Editorial Calendar
If you would like to contribute an article on any of the following topics, please contact Russell McVeigh at the email address above. Articles should be a minimum length of 800 words.
December 2024: DAM within GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)
January 2025: Trends for DAM in 2025
February 2025: DAM Standards
March 2025: Open Source within DAM
April 2025: PIM and DAM
May 2025: Will Generative AI Make DAM Obsolete?
June 2025: The Evolution of DAM
July 2025: DAM in Education and Academia
- Andreas Mockenhaupt
- Andy Didyk
- Annella Mendoza
- Anna Cotton
- Anne Gretland
- Ben Smidt
- Bulent Dogan
- Dan Huby
- David Diamond
- David Tenenbaum
- Deborah Fanslow
- Denzil Ford
- Dietmar Rietsch
- Frank DeCarlo
- Gregg Guest
- Hassan Kotob
- Jake Athey
- James Rein
- Jeff Lawrence
- Jeff Olsen
- Jens Lundgaard
- Libby Maurer
- Margaret Warren
- Mark Hilton
- Mark Milstein
- Martin Reinheimer
- Martin Wilson
- Medhat Mahmoud
- Mel Francis
- Murray Oles
- Naresh Sarwan
- Nathan Holmes
- Neil Monahan
- Nick Brookes
- Paul Melcher
- Ralph Windsor
- Remko Noteboo
- Richard Bamford
- Ricky Patten
- Russell McVeigh
- Spencer Harris
- Tim Strehle
All opinions expressed are those of the author only.
If you want to get in touch with DAM News, please see our contact page.
DAM News is owned by Digital Asset Management consultants, Activo®, 38 Rue la Quintinie 75015 Paris, France. Telephone +33 (0) 6 31 44 9460. All articles are the copyright of each author and cannot be used without their explicit permission (which must be obtained in advance).
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