Content Strategy Forum 15-16 April 2010 Paris
The first ever Content Strategy Forum will be held from 15th – 16th April 2010 in Paris. The forum will focus on the emerging field of content strategy, which tackles the audit, creation, delivery and management of an organisation’s content, to better ensure customer satisfaction and a faster return-on-investment.
“What exactly is content strategy? Is content strategy important? Why? What applications does it have? How does it relate to content development, information architecture, editing, localization, content management and user experience? How do you get started as a content strategist? Is content strategy just the latest buzzword, or does it represent a fundamental change in the way we communicate to our users and customers the value of what we do? Will we become rich and famous as content strategists? Our main day conference presentations and panel discussion session will attempt to answer all these questions and more.” [Read More]
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