DAM Vendors Directory Premium Accounts
We have recently launched a new premium account feature for our DAM Vendor Directory at damvendors.com. These are aimed at end users as opposed to vendors (who continue to not be charged for an entry). The new premium facilities include:
- Shortlist feature for assembling multiple lists of prospective vendors (in addition to management tools for moving vendors between lists).
- Vendor list email feature to send lists to colleagues from within the directory itself.
- Batch contact feature to send RFPs or RFIs out to vendors (including attachments such as Word or PDF files)
- Custom questions which will be added to the existing extensive vendor profile (and vendor alerts to ask them to complete them).
- Prompts to ask individual vendors to provide any missing information.
- Download vendor profiles as text-based MS Word documents for easier comparisons.
- Approximately 100 more advanced vendor questions covering architecture, advanced asset manipulation, integration features (including MS Office and Adobe Creative Suite), reporting, SDKs/scripting, cloud storage, advanced metadata configuration to name just a few.
- A free copy of our whitepaper: Buying Corporate DAM Systems (worth $100).
These are in addition to the advanced features already available to registered users for free.
We continuously review and extend the questions asked of each participating vendor and no one is able to buy a higher rank, advertise or otherwise gain an edge over competitors by paying for it. We also police profiles and follow-up any reports of false claims on vendor profiles by challenging them to produce evidence for anything contentious. If you are serious about finding the most suitable DAM solution for your organisation, the premium service is the one to go for.
More details are available here: http://damvendors.com/account-types/ You can buy premium access immediately with a credit card, or contact us if you need to pay via an invoice.
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