DAM For Healthcare Markets Webinar, January 17th 2013, 5pm GMT (9am PST, 12pm ET)
Henry Stewart are hosting a free webinar on 17th January at 5pm GMT (9am PST, 12pm ET) about the application of DAM to the healthcare sector. The event is being chaired by David Lipsey of Optimity Advisers:
” ‘Recent healthcare legislation means there are many new healthcare consumers shopping for insurance’ explains David Lipsey of Optimity Advisors. David, an expert on Digital Asset Management (DAM), with an international reputation for market leading, practical deployment of DAM, points out that the technology has proved very effective in delivering brand power across many industries in recent years. Developments in the healthcare market, he says, mean it can play a very big role in supporting consumer choice and increasing provider efficiency. ‘This webinar will ensure that the entire industry is fully aware of the opportunities and, most importantly, know how to take advantage of them’ he says.” [Read More]
This does look to be more directly relevant to a US audience (and it is about healthcare marketing, not the delivery of care service themselves). That said, others in different regions may be able to apply some of the lessons to local markets and DAM is increasingly a global industry these days.
The registration link is here: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/830440575
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