Whitepaper – Revenue Generation With Digital Asset Management: A Guide For Managers
This whitepaper authored by Naresh Sarwan (of DAM News) and Ralph Windsor from DAM consultancy, Daydream, discusses the subject of revenue generation with Digital Asset Management solutions. Naresh and Ralph both have considerable experience of working with clients from the stock media market and have combined their expertise to develop this best practice paper for anyone who is seriously considering a DAM initiative that will include a revenue generation component.
The main points covered are:
- How the stock media market has changed and the revenue generation implications.
- What this means for prospective media asset suppliers
- How to start planning a revenue generation initiative
- Deciding whether the initiative is self funding or cost reducing
- Establishing reasons for buyers to purchase your media
- Developing marketing plans for offering your media assets
- Rights and Intellectual Property (IP) considerations
- Working out revenue share and commissions
- Moral rights: what they are and working out if they apply to you
- Your licensing model choices and the implications of each
- DRM – deciding whether it is worth implementing or not
- Transaction processing and accepting funds from buyers
- Integrating with the rest of your organisation: HR and accounting implications
- Deciding on what DAM software to use and the options available
- How revenue generation may change your relationship with your DAM vendor
“”The most obvious benefit and still the best way to generate some money from Digital Asset Management is to use one to avoid spending it in the first place by reducing the amount of time staff spend trying to find media assets. For some. however, that is not sufficient justification. If prospective end users have not won the argument to implement DAM with senior management, or there is a ‘business idea’ being contemplated along with a plan to improve staff productivity using DAM, the topic of using DAM technologies to generate revenue will often be considered. If one of the scenarios outlined describes your organisation, you might find this report contains some information that could help you.”
The 13 page paper is now available by subscribing to the DAM News whitepapers service.
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